I often write about how important it is for us as Christians to be extremely careful about what we accept and repeat as truth, and I stress the fact the God does indeed hold us accountable for
anything that we say and do that is not true or right. But it is also important for us to take a stand against those who would promote lies and unrighteousness.
Just being correct is not enough, we must also be active in the efforts to defend truth and expose lies and deceptions where ever we see it.
Granted, this is not an easy task, but then, fighting against evil and ungodliness never is. That is why God gave us His promise to be with us in our struggles against the enemy.
But I do not only strive to encourage others to take a stand, I do so myself. And as evidence of my commitment to the struggle for truth, I am posting this article response to a local writer in our Herald newspaper who I have noticed for years has been an aggressive defender for leftists politics and ideas through here articles. I recently contacted her and requested an interview with me on Zoom, and I am waiting her reply. But in anticipation of her decline, I have decided to write a response to her recent article. I encourage not only your comments but your criticisms if any, as it will help me to do a better job and improve my efforts.
My reply to the
RANDI KREISS article titled:
"A nation divided by pandemic, or splintered?"
Posted February 17, 2022 on the Herald website.
(Note: I think our nation is divided by devious deceivers, mostly on the Left, and far right, but some even among conservatives, who manipulate the easily influenced masses).
Randi Kreiss opens with this statement:
“Early in the coronavirus pandemic, it was easy to write off as stupid the folks who touted hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as go-to Covid-19 treatments. Easy because the efficacy of those drugs was refuted by the best virologists in the world.”
I have to ask her, what Virologists? Why did you not provide a reference? And why did you not bother to mention the fact that Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, among other low cost treatments were documented by medical professionals to successfully treat Covid? Why did you not include the fact that Ivermectin was a well-known medicine that was so well known that it was a Nobel Prize winning medicine? Why did you not mention the fact that Hydroxychloroquine was used world-wide for many years and was a very well established medical treatment for covid viruses? Your comments reek of bias and disinformation. Yet you pretend to be concerned for your reader’s accurate education on these matters. How dare you lie to your readers.
She continued:
“It seemed obvious that people who denied the science of vaccine protection and masking were coming from a place of ignorance. They didn’t know better.”
My question is:
Based on what? Why is it necessary to lump the Covid shots with all vaccines, if the covid shots are so great, they should be able to stand on their own, and not be lumped in with past known profitable vaccines. Just because we reject the Covid shots as safe and reliable, does not mandate a label of “anti-vaxxers”, that is cruel and dishonest, but then, being cruel and dishonest about conservatives and anyone who goes against your leftists narrative is acceptable, is it not?
And what “evidence” are you relying on that gives you the right to promote the claim that masks protect from Covid? Why are you lying to your readers, by telling them that masks are helpful as protection, when you should know that they are not? Why are you not telling your readers that humans are not supposed to breathe in what they breathe out? Tell them about the danger of long term wearing of masks. Why don’t you tell them that the covid virus is way too small for a standard mask to block it?
She continues:
“As hundreds of thousands got sick and died, and the virus spread, many of us hoped people would change their minds and take the vaccine — not just for themselves, but also for the common good.”
Again I ask, based on what “evidence” did you hope for that change of mind? On what did you base your view that the covid shots would be for the common good? What benefit was the insufficiently tested covid shots to those who took them? Did they not first claim the shots would cure and prevent Covid? Did they not then after multiple millions got the shots, changed their claims when it became clear to the public and to honest medical professionals and scientists that the shots were not only not providing the claimed protections, but were causing much medical harm, change their claim and say that the shots would minimize the harmful effects of covid, and prevent hospitalization and death from covid? And is it not true that that too has been proven to be a lie, as many who have taken the covid shots have still died of covid? Why are you so willing to lie to your readers? Are you receiving payment for your propagation of such lies? Or are you simply satisfied to be among those who defend the leftist narrative.
She then said:
“But over these two years, there hasn’t been much of a learning curve. The anti-vaxxers stood firm. Many of them got Covid. An unthinkable number died. And still, people refuse to believe the simple scientific fact that vaccines keep people safer.”
My reply to her is:
You are still not being honest about this Randi, first, just because we do not trust the covid shot, does not make us “anti-vaxxers”, so your dishonest use of that term is rude and disrespectful. Second, you are being dishonest or horribly ignorant about the actual causes of those many deaths. It has been well established, that the majority of those deaths could have been avoided, had it not been for the criminal activity of the CDC, FDA, NIH and the Government’s trust in them, which resulted in the adoption of criminal policies that prevented early treatment of Covid, (by those many foolish medical professionals who allowed themselves to be dictated to by the CDC, FDA and NIH, instead of doing their jobs as medical professionals), policies that favored Big Pharma and experimental covid shots over the lives of sick patients. Policies that forbad the use of known low cost medicine that could and did successfully treat Covid, in favor of high cost medicines like Remdesivir, and the use of ventilators which harmed covid patients. All of this information is available, but you prefer to only tap your leftists sources for your reporting, you are not interested in doing real research before you report, only in parroting what big pharma, the CDC, FDA NIH and those government officials who are heavily invested in big pharma and all of who are making a killing financially off of the vaccines and masks.
She continued:
“When thousands of folks who were double-vaccinated and boosted started getting breakthrough cases of the Omicron variant, that only reinforced the resistance among anti-vaxxers.”
I replied:
No kidding? But it was not only the failed covid shots that reinforced our resistance, but it was also, the rise of reported damages that were caused by the covid shots, that were being ignored or denied by the media, big pharma, dishonest government officials, the suspicious need to coerce people to take the shots by using bribes and then FOURCE through mandates that reinforced our resistance. It was also the fact that known successful low cost treatments for covid, were vilified so that the covid shots could be unjustly accelerated through emergency use protocols. And the many lies about the covid shots constantly promoted through the media, commercial after commercial, with not one warning of any adverse effects, and the massive censorship of the media and big tech, that blocked out any efforts to warn or inform the public about the dangers of the covid shots, and the lies being promoted about their safety. Oh yes, Randi, we had plenty of reasons to resist, and you did not care, nor do you care about this now. You just keep pumping that pro-covid shot narrative and trying to discredit anyone who does not agree with it.
She continued:
“Over time, some of us liberal-minded opinion writers tried to be less judgmental and more empathic. Maybe we could understand where the doubters were coming from. Many people had justifiable grievances: The rollouts were uneven, or the messaging was sometimes confusing. Fringe groups offered comfort in troubling times.
Many of us engaged in intellectual gymnastics, trying to understand, to be patient and more tolerant of the resistance to vaccines and masks.”
My reply is:
Again, you carefully and dishonestly understate your negligence, their crimes were far worse than uneven roll outs and confusing messaging, and you know it. I have stated just a few above, so you again, disrespect your readers by lying to them. I ask, why? Is it so important to you to toe the line of those who are making crazy money from the covid shots that you are willing to lie to your readers? You do know that much of the false information that you all have been pumping into the public will eventually come back to bite you don’t you? Or are you counting on the left perpetually stealing elections so that they never have to worry about being brought up on charges, and your role in deceiving the public fully come to light? Truth pressed down will eventually rise. Some of the truth is pouring over into major media now and I notice the efforts to down play it as insignificant. The failed lock downs, the illegal mandates, the ineffectiveness of masks, the claim of the possible defeating of covid, the Wuhan lab as the origin of the Corona virus, the lies of Anthony Fauci, the plot of Fauci and Francis Collins to silence science experts, the false reports from the prestigious LANCET that were exposed, the efforts of Pfizer and the FDA to prevent the public from seeing the research that led to the FDA’s approval of the Pfizer shot. The list goes on and on. And yet here you are still pumping away your rhetoric about how good the “vaccines” are and how, ignorant we conservatives and so-called “anti-vaxxers” are for not falling in line with your lies.
She continued:
“Maybe we could bring the doubters along in time, we thought.
We were wrong. We are now more than two years in, with more than 900,000 dead. This is what I know:”
I replied:
Pardon me, but you have showed us what you “know” and it is clearly not much. You have not demonstrated that the nine hundred thousand deaths were actually caused by covid. You know, or you should know about the many reports exposing the fabricated deaths supposedly due to covid, that were actually due to other causes, but conveniently attributed to covid, due mainly to the financial incentive to list hospital deaths as covid. But rather than mention that, you prefer to give the impression that all claimed covid deaths, are accurate and that the CDC, the FDA and the NIH and hospitals around the nation are honest and have no motive to lie about covid deaths. I would like to know why.
She continued:
“What we are suffering in America today isn’t a break, it’s a compound fracture. There aren’t two opposing groups tugging at one another. It isn’t just people who get vaccinated and those who won’t. There are multiple splinters in this gaping wound — some sharp, some violent, some groups out for power, and some out for blood.
Some people are ignorant: They don’t — or can’t — read the research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And they have lost faith in our government.”
My reply is:
Surprisingly, this is the first thing you have said so far that I can actually agree with. But then you have to go and spoil it by injecting your common leftists “TRUMP IS THE REASON FOR OUR PROBLEMS” mantra.
She continued:
“Another splinter is people who are not only ignorant about science, but put their faith in a former president and his acolytes. In their reality, the political supersedes all other considerations.”
I replied:
Now I find this interesting, that you feel the need to attach Trump to the convictions and actions of people. You seem to think that all people who chose Trump over Hillary and Biden are blind, brainless Trump Zealots. That makes it much easier for you to criticize us without having to have an intelligent dialogue with us. Because then you would have to defend your rhetoric, and you are not interested in doing that, now are you? How easy it is for you to champion the covid shots while at the same time denying or ignoring the role that your hated of TRUMP played in their availability. How honest of you.
It is also interesting that you feel that you have to constantly deride Trump and his supporter even though he is no longer in office. This is clearly an effort on your part to do what you can to help see to it that he does not ever come back. And so you have to find Trump supporters who did not trust Biden and use them as an example of how foolish all Trump supporters are?
She then said:
“MAGA folks think the Biden administration is out to get them. At one point, people were posting notes online urging relatives to go into hospitals and remove their family members who were being treated for Covid. “They are trying to kill us,” one post said.”
To which I reply:
It has already been established that most people who died of Covid in the hospitals, have indeed died due to medical negligence in their faulty treatment of covid. And so I could not agree more with their assessment, but this is not only do to Biden’s evils, it happened under Trumps watch as well, because he foolishly trusted greedy people like Fauci and his organization, along with the WHO, the CDC and the FDA to set policies that KILLED PEOPLE.
She continued:
“Sadly, many GOP officeholders are willing to traffic in lies to keep power.”
My reply is:
While that is certainly possible, I find it strange that you did not include Democrats in that comment. Are you suggesting that there are none or not many Democrats who hold office, that are willing to and indeed do traffic in lies to keep power? If so, shame on you.
She then said:
“Then there is the splinter of smart, highly educated people who are shamelessly harnessing the suspicion among millions of our citizens to their own political ends.”
My reply is that it is interesting that you think that there is only a “splinter” of smart, highly educated people (apparently on our side), who use the suspicion of millions to their own political ends. Yet you don’t mention or seem to think that there are such people on your side, who do the same. If so, why did you not include them? If not why? Are you suggesting that all of the smart people on your side are upstanding and above political reproach? That would be another clear lie. I have found that in all of my reading and comparing, that there are far more dishonest Democrat, leftists liberals than there are unscrupulous conservatives, (and indeed there are some, though I would not even call them true conservatives). So what is your point in even listing them here? If you are not going to be honest, why not just tell your readers that you are attempting to poison their minds against conservatives and Trump and his supporters, that you are not really interested in providing an honest review of the state of the covid pandemic.
She then had the nerve to say:
“They know the vaccines work. They know masking protects against infection. But they challenge the necessary mandates.”
My reply is:
But that is just the problem, we know they don’t work, and for you to keep insisting they do is not only dishonest but disrespectful to your readers. But that is not enough for you is it, no, you have to name names and give your readers targets to hate and distrust don’t you? So here we go:
She then directly attacked conservatives by name:
“Think Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis, Kellyanne Conway, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell. They are among the most reprehensible of the lot because they know better.”
My reply is that:
To call people “reprehensible” because they hold and promote views about politics and social and cultural issues that are different from yours, is what is reprehensible. How arrogant of you, how unkind of you, how presumptuous of you, to think that you and your side are the epitome political, social and cultural excellence.
She then attacked Marjorie Taylor Greene saying:
“Someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene, an anti-masker and a general nut case, is a splinter unto herself. In a recent infamous speech, Greene said that Nancy Pelosi was using secret police in Congress, like the “gazpacho.” She meant “Gestapo,” of course, because she can never resist a Holocaust reference in her crazy accusations. If Donald Trump was and is a cancer in our American culture, then she is his metastasis.”
My reply is:
Is it really necessary to call people names and degrade them because of their views? Why not just point out what she said that is wrong? Is it not because you are desperate to make your readers view all conservatives as dangerous and many as “nut cacses”? Just dealing with their views and explaining why they are wrong is not sufficient for you, (if possible at all), you have to rudely call them names. Sad.
She then said:
“There are also splinters of responsible people who understand and support the coronavirus science, but still have reservations about boosters or inoculating little kids. Many are impatient with the slow progress toward even more targeted vaccines and better therapeutics.”
To which I ask:
So those of us who do not support coronavirus science, do not understand it? That is rude, in fact, you have said a lot of rude things in your article, which by the way is why I have chosen to use a rude method to respond. It is not only the people who support coronavirus who are “responsible people”, many of us who reject your “coronavirus science”, are also responsible people. That is why we chose to let the real science have its day, rather than the big pharma controlled narrative. Keep your stinking hands off of our children and our bodies, with your dangerous, unsafe, experimental, insufficiently tested, hidden ingredients, ineffective against Covid shots.
She then had the nerve to say:
“We forget that the development of the vaccines was an astonishing medical achievement. Everyone is fatigued after two years of isolation and stress.”
To that I say:
How interesting that you could not bring yourself to mention then President Trump’s role in getting those wonderful covid shots to the masses. This is not honest or fair. If you are going to sing the praises of the Covid shots, why can’t you acknowledge the role that Trump played in making them available to the public? Could it be that you hate him so much, that you can’t even mention anything that he did that YOU “THINK” was good? Is that honest? Is that reasonable or decent?
I happen to think that Trump was a fool to fast track the vaccines, that he played right into the hands of the pharmaceutical powers that milked the US government and governments of the world for billions for a product that they knew did not work and was dangerous, but would give them continuous profits.
In spite of that, you think they are good and yet you won’t give Trump an ounce of credit for them….very interesting.
She then said:
“These varied splinters unite to one end: to challenge vaccines and protective masks. The resistance crosses social, educational and cultural lines.”
My reply to her is:
Now I find it very interesting that you left out some major “splinters”, like the W.H.O., NIH, the FDA, the CDC, Big Pharma, Big Tech, the many medical professionals who sold their souls to not only keep their jobs, but to advance in their jobs by helping to promote the lies told about the covid shots, successful alternative treatments for covid, masks, mandates and the unvaccinated. So many other “splinters” that you did not think were important to mention. Why is that Randi? And why do you not mention the credentials of the many medical and science professionals who put their reputations on the line to speak the truth about the lies that were and still are being told about Covid shots, Lock downs, mandates, masks and alternative covid treatments that work?
She concluded by saying:
“The saddest group, I think, is those who are uninformed and vulnerable. They reject the science and the advice of the experts because they are caught in a paralyzing spasm of paranoia and anger. They are being cruelly used by the most heartless group, the super-smart members of the Republican Party who are stepping over dead bodies in a rush toward 2024.”
My reply is:
It is amazing how disingenuous you are Randi, all of this to promote your political warfare against the Republicans, to help your Democrats win in 2024. You know that your Biden has done such a horrible job and has exposed just how power hungry the left is, that it will be extremely difficult for them to win in 2024, without an even greater plot in place to steal the next election. And so you are doing your part to gain favor with the Democrats, I suspect you will be running for local office yourself someday soon.
Just what experts are you referring to that the uninformed are rejecting? Experts like Dr. Peter McCullough, like Dr. Robert Malone (inventor of the mRNA technology), like Dr. Mike Yeadon, former VP at Pfizer? What experts are you referring to? Oh yeah, those who are neck deep in Big Pharma money, and would die before giving up their lucrative connection to that kind of security.
Anyone who wants to get the other side of the story, from a better source than the Herald’s Randi Kreiss and News outlets like CNN, MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, The View, CBS, ABC, the New York Times, The New York Post, the Daily News, ten ten wins news radio, and the Washington Post, can visit the following sites:
The high wire.com
The Children’s Health Defense
Dr. Macola-Take control of your health
NOTE: I have contacted Randi Kreiss and requested and interview with her on zoom. I am waiting for her reply. On Feb. 19, she requested more information about me and my reason for wanting to interview her. I replied and now I am waiting her response. I posted this article anticipating that she would not consent to an interview. And because her article is already published and written in her usual condescending and rude manner towards conservatives.
My other articles addressing this issue are linked here
My reply to the PAofW's Health, Education & Welness-Panel
A Pandemic that reveals corruption, deception & wickedness
My response to Insiders Tom Porter concerning Del Bigtree
My commentary of the Wide-Angle's interview with Dr. Hooman Noorchashm
Update: No 2-28-22 I received what may be the last communication from Randi Kreiss of the Freeport Herald, and as I suspected, she is not interested in having an open discussion about what she wrote. So my publishing my article when I did was the right call after all.
I did not think she would want to meet on a level platform, because then she could not get away with lying without being challenged. But my article still does challenge her. My letter to the editor does not contain the details of my objections as do my article above here. The reason being that It would be a waist of time to challenge the false covid information since our state is a pro-covid shot state and MUST follow the narrative of the powers that be. But what my letter to the editor did was point out her venom and rude disrespect in her writing. She did not have the decency to express her disagreement with professionalism and restraint. Lets see what comes of my letter. Our full exchange follows:
On Feb 19, 2022, at 3:55 PM, Danzil [email protected] wrote:
Hi Randi:
I am a resident of Freeport, NY and I have been reading your column for some time now.
I recently read your article "A NATIONS DIVIDED BY PANDEMIC, OR SPLINTERED?"
And i would like to interview you about it.
I would only require 15 minutes.
Thank you.
RANDI KREISS <[email protected]>:
Hello Dan
Can you explain who you are and in what capacity you would like me to sit for an interview?
On 25 Feb 2022, at 3:43 PM, Danzil [email protected] wrote:
I am a writer as yourself, and I am a resident of Freeport.
There is much in your article that I do not understand, and conclusions that you draw that you do not explain or support with sources.
And I am interested in discussing the content with you so that you can represent yourself rather than me assuming that I understand you correctly. I will be reporting on your article, and I want to do so fairly.
On 27 Feb she replied:
“You can report on anything you like. My column stands on its own. You are welcome to comment in a letter to the editor.
Good luck.”
Note the arrogance, note the reluctance to meet, and be clear, she thinks that she is untouchable, and that is because of her connections no doubt. She is not concerned about her disinformation being challenged or punished, and she my have good reason for not being concerned. Nevertheless, I will at lease make an effort to expose her to anyone who will pay attention. This is a good example of what I mean when I talk about what the major media says and how it differs from the truth. Just for the record, I am also including here the brief letter to the editor that I sent to the editor of the Herald.
Freeport Herald
February 23, 2022
Dear Freeport Herald Editor:
I recently read the column by Randi Kreiss titled:
“A nation divided by pandemic, or splintered?”
She calls people “stupid”, she equates people who like Trump as being “ignorant of science” and who puts politics over all else. That is disrespectful, and unprofessional.
She seems to have a fetish for “attacking” Trump rather than just pointing out his faults with respect. She called him a “cancer”.
She then attacks GOP officeholders as people who are “lie promoters for power”.
Then proceeds to attack 8 Republicans by name, and she refers to them as “reprehensible” and called one a “nut” and Trump’s Metastasis. This is clearly not respectable disagreement. It is literary political hostility towards Trump and Republicans, and it is unprofessional.
She calls the Republicans “a heartless group” who cruelly use the uninformed and vulnerable. And who are stepping over dead bodies in their rush towards 2024. It was clearly a political hit piece article.
This is not the first or only time that Randi Kreiss has had a
scathing anti- Republican/Trump article published in the Herald. See, “Is it fair to ban Trump from social Media?”. Thanks for reading my concerns.
Dan Monk Sr. Freeport, NY
I was only allowed 200 words so I had to leave out many of my other objections. But I include them in my published response to her that is available on line. The link is above.